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Arts & Crafts

How can arts and crafts improve your well-being?

Making art is therapeutic in and of itself.  As Pablo Picasso said, "Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life."  Art is a creative process that lets you explore your emotions, practice mindfulness, and reduce anxiety.  Intentionally incorporating nature into your arts and crafts will take this creative process to the next level, and give your well-being an extra boost as you feel the combined healing powers of nature and creating.


Connecting with nature through art can be done in many ways:  doing art in nature, using natural materials (such as rocks, plants, and clay) in your artwork, and using nature as inspiration.

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Escape to the great outdoors and go on an adventure.


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Spend time observing, interacting, and bonding with animals.


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Protect and conserve nature's flora and fauna.


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Do physical activities and exercise in green spaces.


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Tend to plants, and let them nurture you in return.


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